1 Uplift the 'Participant History Found' pop up for mobile devices so text are not overlapping or extending outside the pop-up window

2. Uplift the ‘Associated Participant History Found' & 'Family Members Record Found’  pop up for mobile devices so text are not overlapping or extending outside the pop-up window

3. Fixed a bug where edit to an approved registration product/type: Players, age limits for mandatory photo upload (reg type only), expression of interest (reg product only) are not saved even after approval

4. Fixed a bug where edit to an approved club registration product, the submit button is always greyed out if there are no additional questions added to this product *

 - * There is still a bug where additional questions are not prefilled properly in a club reg product edit flow 

5. Fixed a bug where payment options disappear when unticked during reg type/ product creation and edit

6. Fixed a bug where Admin is able to edit an approved registration type/ product outside the parent reg type limit