How to cite admin WWCC

1. Select on Organisations

Select on Organisations

2. Click on Manage My Organisation

Click on Manage My Organisation

3. Select on Administrators

Select on Administrators

4. Click on the 3 dots next to the relevant admin

Click on the 3 dots next to the relevant admin

5. Click on View Admin Profile

Click on View Admin Profile

6. Click on Supported Document

Click on Supported Document

7. Click on 3 dots next to admins WWCC

Click on 3 dots next to admins WWCC

8. Select on Cite WWCC

Select on Cite WWCC

9. Cite the WWCC details

You can select on file to view the uploaded document

Cite the WWCC details

10. Input Outcome field

Please note this is a free text box

Input Outcome field

11. Select Accepted if WWCC is valid

Select Accepted if WWCC is valid

12. Check I confirm that all of the above is true.

Check I confirm that all of the above is true.

13. Click on Approve

Click on Approve

14. Admins WWCC status will change to accepted

Admin will now be able to sign in and access the system 

Admins WWCC status will change to accepted