This article is specific to uploading an "Other Document" that is separate from a WWCC or a Player Contract

1. Click on Profile from the bottom left of the page

Click on Profile from the bottom left of the page

2. Click on the Supporting Documents tab

Click on the Supporting Documents tab

3. Click on "Add New Others"

Click on "Add New Others"

4. Fill in the fields with the details that are relevant to the supporting document that you wish to upload

Fill in the fields with the details that are relevant to the supporting document that you wish to upload

5. Make sure to select "Add Other Document" to save the changes that you have made

Make sure to select "Add Other Document" to save the changes that you have made

*Keep in mind that whatever you upload in the "Other Document" section is not visible to an administrator. You will only be able to access that document by being signed into your profile