1. New sign in page design
    - This has been done to easily differentiate between signing in as an admin and as a participant
    - Labels clearly state which page is for participants and Admins as well as the colour scheme and images used

  2. When creating a new product, the gender field no longer defaults to Male
    - The field remains blank and the admin must select their preferred option before being able to save the product.

  3. An admin is now able to approve a program or non-club football registration if the same participant already has an approved club football registration.
    - Previously, non-club football (social) and program registrations were acting the same as a club football registration, meaning that an admin could not approve multiple registrations within the same season

  4. Phase 1 of the ledger performance enhancement
    - The ledger (financial reporting) should now load under 10 seconds and be able to download MAX 12000 transactions into CSV

  5. Removed the label on top of the ledger
    - This is as the scheduled payment instalment bulk update has been completed and will now be a recurring twice-a-week manual job to be done every Tuesday and Thursday starting from today

  6. Initial remediation on the front-end to improve 'Find a Product' page
    - This improves the performance of the 'Find a Product' page