The attached document will outline which player/club fields can be found within each report on the 2024 Lets Play Beta System. 

1. Standard Report 

a. Approved/submitted Registration All Detail Report 


Reg Entry 

Previous Club Country 

Member Federation Name 

Participant ID 

Previous Club Name 

Association Name 

Club Entity ID 

Previous Club Year 

Club Name 

FFA Number 

WWCC Number 

Nat Reg Type Name 

Reg Status 

WWCC State 

State Reg Type Name 

Payment Status 

WWCC Expiry Date 

Assoc Reg Type Name 

Participant Type 

FA Marketing Opted In 

Product Name 

Date Registered 

MF Marketing Opted In 


Date Active 

Assoc Marketing Opted In 

Product Age Min 

Date Deregistered 

Club Marketing Opted In 

Product Age Max 

First Name 

ID photo Uploaded 

Product Open Date 

Last Name 

Payment Option 

Product Close Date 


Total Invoice Payable 

Product Gender 


FA Fee Exception 

Product Game Form 

Age in years 

FA Fee Exemption 

Product Player Rank 


FA Fee Variation 

Product Amateur Payment Options 


FA Payable  

Product Pro payment Options 


MF Fee Exception 

Product Min Age Photo Required 


MF Fee Exemption 

Product Capacity Limit 

Mobile Phone 

MF Fee Variation 

FA Additional Question 

Emergency Contact 

MF Payable 

FA Additional Question Answer 

Emergency Contact Phone 

Assoc Fee Exception 

MF Additional Question 

Emergency Contact Email 

Assoc Fee Exemption 

MF Additional Question Answer 

ITC status 

Assoc Fee Variation 


Previous Club 

Assoc Payable  


Club Fee Exception 


Assoc Additional Question Answer 


Club Fee Variation 

Club Additional Question 


Club Payable 


Club Additional Question Answer 


Registration Group 

Assoc Additional Question 


b. Suspension Report - TBA 

2. Custom Report

a. Registration Constructs

Reg Group ID 

State Reg Type Min age photo required 


Reg Group Name 

State Reg Type Amateur Payment Options 

Product Age Min 

Football Type 

State Reg Type Pro Payment Options 

Product Status 

Playing Level 

MF Payable 

Product Age Max 

Nat Reg Type ID 

MF Fee exception Age Group 

Product Open Date 

Nat Reg Type Name 

MF Fee exception Time Period 

Product Close Date 

Nat Reg Type Status 

MF Fee exception Gender 

Product Gender 

Nat Reg Type Age Min 

MF Fee exemption list 

Product Game form 

Nat Reg Type Age Max 

MF Fee variation Pro 

Product Player Rank 

Nat Reg Type Open Date 

MF Fee Breakdown 

Product Amateur Payment Options 

Nat Reg Type Close Date 

State Reg Type Terms and Conditions 

Product Pro payment Options 

Nat Reg Type Gender 

State Reg Type Last Updated Date 

Product Min age photo required 

Nat Reg Type Game form 

Assoc Reg Type ID 

Product Capacity Limit 

Nat Reg Type Player Rank 

Assoc Reg Type Name 

Club Payable 

Nat Reg Type Product Access 

Assoc Reg Type Status 

Club Fee exception Age Group 

Nat Reg Type Min age photo required 

Association Name 

Club Fee exception Time Period 

Nat Reg Type Amateur Payment Options 

Assoc Reg Type Age Min 

Club Fee exception Gender 

Nat Reg Type Pro Payment Options 

Assoc Reg Type Age Max 

Club Fee variation Pro 

FA Payable 

Assoc Reg Type Open Date 

Club Fee Breakdown 

FA Fee exception Age Group 

Assoc Reg Type Close Date 

Club Reg Type Terms and Conditions 

FA Fee exception Time Period 

Assoc Reg Type Gender 

Club Additional Questions 

FA Fee exception Gender 

Assoc Reg Type Game form 

Product Last Updated Date 

FA Fee exemption list 

Assoc Reg Type Player Rank 

Team Group Name 

FA Fee variation Pro 

Assoc Reg Type Product Access 

Team Name 

FA Fee Breakdown 

Assoc Reg Type Min age photo required 

Number of Participants 

Nat Reg Type Terms and Conditions 

Assoc Reg Type Amateur Payment Options 

Participant Name 

FA Additional Questions 

Assoc Reg Type Pro Payment Options 


Nat Reg Type Last Updated Date 

Assoc Payable 


State Reg Type ID 

Assoc Fee exception Age Group 


State Reg Type Name 

Assoc Fee exception Time Period 


State Reg Type Status 

Assoc Fee exception Gender 


Member Federation Name 

Assoc Fee exemption list 


State Reg Type Age Min 

Assoc Fee variation Pro 


State Reg Type Age Max 

Assoc Fee Breakdown 


State Reg Type Open Date 

Assoc Reg Type Terms and Conditions 


State Reg Type Close Date 

Assoc Additional Questions 


State Reg Type Gender 

Assoc Reg Type Last Updated Date 


State Reg Type Game form 

Product ID 


State Reg Type Player Rank 

Product Name 


State Reg Type Product Access 

Club Name 


b. Organisations

Organisation ID 

Is Primary Contact 


Member Federation Name 

Date Added 


Association Name 

Date Revoked 


Organisation Name 









GST registered 












Contact Number 



Email Address 






Account Number 



Organisation Last Updated Date 



Administrator Name 



Administrator Role Type 



Administrator Position 



Administrator Email 



Administrator Contact Number 



c. Participants 

Participant ID 

Product ID 

FA Payable 

FFA Number 

Product Name 

MF Fee exception 

First Name 

Club Name 

MF Fee exemption 

Middle Name 

Reg Status 

MF Fee variation 

Last Name 

Registrant Name 

MF Payable 


Registrant Mobile Phone 

Assoc Fee exception 

Age in years 

Registrant Email 

Assoc Fee exemption 


Payment Status 

Assoc Fee variation 


Participant Type 

Assoc Payable 


Date Registered 

Assoc Reg Type Name 


Date Active 

Club Fee exception 


Date Deregistered 

Club Fee variation 

Country of Birth 

ITC/DTC status 

Club Payable 

Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin 

Previous Club 

FA Additional Questions 

English Primary Language 

Previous Club Country 

FA Additional Question Answers 


Previous Club Name 

MF Additional Questions 


Previous Club Year 

MF Additional Question Answers 


WWCC number 

Assoc Additional Questions 

Mobile Phone 

WWCC state 

Assoc Additional Question Answers 

Emergency Contact 

WWCC expiry date 

Club Additional Questions 

Emergency Contact Phone 

WWCC Exemption 


Emergency Contact Email 

MF Marketing Opted In 


Emergency Contact Other 

Assoc Marketing Opted In 


Emergency Contact Other Phone 

Club Marketing Opted In 


Emergency Contact Other Email 

ID photo Uploaded 


Has Active Suspension? 

Payment Option 


Primary Family Group Name 

Total Invoice Payable 


Primary Family Group Members 

FA Fee exception 


Other Linked Family 

FA Fee exemption 


Reg Entry ID 

FA Fee variation 


3. Member Reporting - TBA

4. Financial Reporting 

Transaction ID 



Participant Name 



FFA Number 



Product Name 



Organisation Name 



Payment Option 















Due Date 



Transaction Date 









Participant ID 



Registration ID 



Organisation ID