1. Click on the magnifying glass (Top Left Corner)

Click on the magnifying glass (Top Left Corner)

2. Search the participant you are looking to add a suspension to

Search participant you are looking to add a suspension to

3. Click on "Participants"

Click on "Participants"

4. Click on the participant

Click on the participant

5. Click on the 3 dots

Click on the 3 dots

6. Click on "Suspend This Member"

Click on "Suspend This Member"

7. Input description of incident relating to suspension

Input description of incident relating to suspension

8. Select either Match Based or Time-Based suspension

Select either Match Based or Time Based suspension

9. Input either the number of matches or the time period depending on the selection above

Input either number of matches or time period depending on selection above

10. Input either the number of matches or the time period depending on the selection above

Input either number of matches or time period depending on selection above

11. Click "Select Linked organisation"

Click "Select Linked organisation"

12. Select "Linked organisation"

Select "Linked organisation"

13. Click on "Apply Suspension"

Click on "Apply Suspension"

14. Selecting the 3 dotted menu will allow you to complete other actions relating to suspension

Selecting the 3 dotted menu will allow you to complete other actions relating to suspension