Quick summary

You will need to access your football account in order to see your playing history, your history is stored on your participant portal. Any missing information/playing records might indicate that you have a duplicate registration record, the support team will need to merge your registration records and retain only ONE record/FFA number.


Key Notes

  • One Football Account per family*
  • Participant Portal is accessed via the Football Account
  • Participant Portal contains all your registration information (registration history, invoices, personal details etc)
  • Registrations are managed from the Participant Portal (initiating de-registrations, cancelling registrations or paying outstanding invoices)
  • Your history might be missing due to having a duplicate registration record (multiple FFA numbers)
  • Merge request must be sent to support@playfootball.com.au


Steps to Completion 

Accessing your Participant portal:

Step 1: Log in to your Football Account

Step 2: Select 'Manage my registration'. If this does not appear, please go directly to https://user.playfootball.com.au/

Step 3: Select participant 

Step 4: Navigate within the Participant Portal to complete your action|


If you have multiple FFA numbers/registration records please email support@playfootball.com.au, you will need to include the following details in order to have a merge request placed on your behalf:

  • Full name or any name variations that might be on our database
  • DOB
  • Club
  • FFA numbers - please include each FFA number related to you

Once your merge request has been placed by the support team you will be notified, once your merge has been completed you will be notified upon your next access of the participant portal.

[!] please be patient with all merge request