If players from your association/club are not displaying on Sports TG (STG) please contact STG directly to ensure the Club has the correct organisation ID setup on their platform.
Contact: 1300 139 970 or support@sportstg.com
If you are not sure of your organisation ID from Playfootball please search the club name on Playfootball, the ID is presented under the the club name. This search option is only available for Member Federations (MF) and Associations.
As an association you will need to manually push the data individually, there is NO BULK action. Use the following steps to push the data of the missing participant across, the data will become available the following day
To do this
1. Find participant at Member Federation/ Association level
2. Edit record
3. Add a letter to the first or last name > hit save
4. Remove the letter > hit save
5. This record is now refreshed and will push into STG the following day
PlayFootball does not have a bulk merge option
[!] before completing the manual push please ensure STG have confirmed the club is correctly set up including the organisation ID.