If you wish to change the email address that is attached to the confirmation emails sent to registrants, then please follow these steps.

First, log into your club's Play Football Admin account using the link below. 

Admin Log In

Once logging in, click on "REGISTRATION" and then "Signup Form Management".

Click on the pencil edit icon.

Edit the 'Contact Name' and 'Contact Email' to the person within your club who you wish listed as the contact name and the listed email address to contact for further details. Once you have completed this, then click "Save". 

Please note, you must do this for all you signup forms. 

This is the name that will appear in the "From" field of registration related emails such as Registration pending payment emails such as below.

If you have issues performing this, you can either either submit a support ticket by clicking here or using our contact details below.

  • Email: support@playfootball.com.au
  • Telephone: 02 8880 7983
  • Hours: Monday-Friday 10am - 5:30pm