Quick Summary

Please follow the below steps to update a registrants status from Awaiting Payment > Approval Required (payment made offline)

Key Notes

  • These steps are to be used only AFTER taking a manual payment (i.e. direct deposit, cash etc) outside of a online credit card payment (dependent on club) via the playfootball registration system.

Process to Completion :

Check if participants registration status is Pending / Awaiting Payment

 Registration Management

  1. Select Registration
  2. Select Registration Management
  3. Search for the registrant via their name, FFA number or ID
  4. You will see here if the players registration status is Pending / Awaiting Payment

        ** If it is this status - proceed to the next step

Update registrant status from Awaiting Payment to Paid

Invoice Management

  1.  Go to Registration / Invoices
  2.  Search for the registrant via their name, ID or FFA number
  3. Click pencil icon to edit their payment status

4. Change Status to "Paid" - Save

Check registration now updated to Approval Required

  1. Click on Registration /Registration Management
  2. Search for the registrant via their name, FFA number or ID
  3. You will see here if the players registration status has updated to "Approval Required"

Approving a registrant

  1. From within the same registration management screen tick the tick box next to the registrant(s) you want to approve
  2. Change the drop down list option above to "Approve Registration" - click Go
    [!] Only Approval Required participants can be 'Approved'

Participant is now Registered /Active (green status